Saturday, July 4, 2015

Uganda team 19 Day 7

Day 7

We have officially been in Uganda for 1 week!! Today started with the ladies up on the deck doing some early morning pilates and only one of the men going for a run. (The men are getting weak IMO ;)). After another lovely brekky of rolex’s and banana and cinnamon chapattis, we walked down to the Village of Hope and got to work on building a parking lot. On the way we got to meet the local ‘Mr Whippy’ selling ice cream from the cooler on his bike. Our work consisted of hacking at the ground with a couple of hoes and pulling up pumpkin plants and shrubs. We then went home for pancakes, and “like a good boomerang” we made our way back up to the village. However, Nathan, Ben and Amy. G went down to the school to assist with teaching some of the classes – English, P.E and knitting!! Meanwhile the rest of us raked and hoe’d the remainder of the grass and rocks, wheel-barrowed it off to a large pit out the back, and started laying down bricks for a wall around the side of the parking lot. All in all, it was a fairly productive day. After dinner (which was a vegetarian frittata – thanks Juliet!) we headed down to the Bugembe markets to get some ice cream and re-stock the sodas. Over all a good workout of a day, and we go to bed expecting to wake up with six-pack abs and some bulging biceps. J        Amy S.

Pics below as usual!!

Look at us - butt exercise no 1

How good are we??
Mr Whippy!!

Typical Africans already - one working, 3 watching

Except this one!!

This is how you stretch ladies!!

All cleared.

Trench man John!

Look! I'm working too!

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