Friday, January 15, 2016

Team 20 Day 15-16-17

Today we write the last blog for team 20.
Andrew leaves tomorrow and we leave a day later, so this will be the last of the ‘chronicles’!
Today started at 3am for some as they sat out in the living room listening to the thunder and the pounding rain.  Most of the rest of us heard it, but stayed in our beds.  Later morning saw the roads a bit wet but having been dry for so long, all the water had pretty much been soaked up or run off.
Breakfast was wisely held indoors, with some lovely pancakes and Mandazis.  Our bellies full we waited for the bus to take us to Home of Hope. We had a plan for half of us to work on a new drain so that water wouldn’t gather at the back of the home, while the rest spent time with the kids.
Some muscles were employed to dig and plenty of sweat flowed, but the drain was dug out and concreting, ricking and fitting grates could begin. By lunch tome we had done most of the work, so we were given a lunch of rice, beans and chapatti, after which we left the HopeBuilders builders to finish the task (after eating a HUGE lunch!).
We had another important task to complete.  We headed off in the bus to Bujagali falls (a spot on the Nile river), to witness and celebrate the baptism of one of our team. Ashlea decided to be baptized and we were only too happy to oblige!! J
After sharing a testimony and hearing messages from her grandparents and mum, Damain, Ashlea and Andrew got into the Nile, and Ashlea went under. As she got out, we gathered around her as a team and prayed prayers of thanks for her. 
He rest of the afternoon was spent either up at Village of Hope, or doing craft with the local kids in Suubi.
A great meal of fried chicken and chips ended out our day.
From here we have a few tasks left: An afternoon in town to collect our last minute souvenirs, our paintings and probably get a milkshake or two.
Then we have a raging farewell planned at Village of Hope roasting a pig and a goat to celebrate.  The VoH kids have been practicing all week for a performance that they have planned for us, and it sounds great!!!
Then it’s a super early start on Sunday for the airport to Kenya. Time to hunt out the local wildlife!!

It’s been a great time and we have achieved much, as well as learned a lot.
We appreciate your prayers, and support and look forward to telling many of you in our own words all we’ve experienced!!

- Andrew

Home of Hope kids are so cute!

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The digging begins..

Brick passing Uganda style

Ready to mix cement - by hand!

Digging our second trench
Good looking results
Straight as a.... well straight anyway!

Damian sharing about baptism
And under she goes!!!

Praying as a team - with local onlookers!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Team 20 Day 14

9am- Off we went to the busy little town of Jinja. Where we marched on down the street with our list of things to buy from the locals who greeted us “welcome please”. We picked up a painting for Suubi house, which has a pretty powerful message it states, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”

11am- CHEESEBURGER TIME! The best time of the week, their succulent beef burger topped with lettuce, tomato, cheese and a side of thick salted fries, the Space Café was definitely the place to be.

After a busy morning eating and doing our last minute purchases, we all headed back to Suubi house for a light lunch of veggie pasties before getting ready to head off to the slums.

12.30pm- We all jumped onto the bus to head on our way to the slums. Driving down a narrow and rocky path with not much knowledge on what to expect when we stopped.

WOW! I have never seen so many children gathered together just to say hello and hold a persons hand.
We were all surrounded by small huts the size of a bathroom or even smaller, inside them was an empty room with a dirt floor. Six - seven people live inside the tiny walls. Then to compare that to what we have, big two story houses, houses with a pool, and big fancy fridges with ice! This was very eye opening and really put life into perspective.

We got the opportunity to get into groups of 4 and visit houses with small gifts of soap and sugar as well as pray for the people of the village.

The one thing that really amazed me was the smiles on each of the children’s faces as we gave them a high five or said “hello” that these children can still show love and happiness when they do not have everything or anything for that matter. I know that, that is something that will be in my mind every time I think I do not have enough, because what is have is more than I need.

- Ashlea

Praying with 'Wilberforce' - 70 years old

A walk with kids through the slums...

They love a photo....

On the road - ..'the wheels on the bus go round and round..'

Kids looking after kids..

Meeting the locals in the community centre

Waiting to mee tour translators.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Team 20 Day 13

Today started with a great breakfast of Pancakes and Mandazis, and the usual fresh fruit…. After eating our fill, Kim and Emily led us in a devotion encouraging us to live with purpose and to look for God’s purpose in our days…
Then it was, on with the work clothes and up to the village to continue our variety of jobs including:
-        -  back to digging our massive hole for the septic tank
-     - painting the fascia boards on all the houses and buildings to make them look fresh, building scaffold as we went.
-       - patching up the outside of some of the buildings and going on with rendering (yep, with cow poo!)
Our hole diggers (myth busters Uganda) decided to challenge the myth that a hen couldn’t fly out of a 10ft deep hole when dropped in. The myth was promptly busted as the hen flew straight out!!
After a lunch of fresh rolls and salad and a bit of a rest, we went back to Village of Hope to continue our work, whilst our ladies took on the challenge of running 3 or 4 craft activities for the kids. I say challenge as getting 80 kids focused was no simple task. Someone said, ..’we’ve heard of organized chaos, well this wasn’t that, it was just chaos!..’   But the lids had fun and by the end of the afternoon, many kids had completed crafts they were super proud of.
The painting crew finished all the work, the diggers reached the required depth, (to their major relief), enjoyed some warm fresh milk, straight from the cow before knocking off for the day…  Our renderers have a little more to do as they were otherwise engaged this afternoon…
A few hours of relaxing at Suubi house followed by a dinner of beef, rice, beans and matoke rounded out the day.
The house is quiet, reflecting the tiredness level after the day…..

- Andrew
The farmer's kitchen and washroom taking shape

We're ready!!

The painting and beautifying continues..

Kitchen looking good!!

Kids and craft - stuff everywhere...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Team 20 Day 12

All up at the sound of sparrow fart, Chris, Erin, Maggie ready to dart.
After running out of Suubi’s front gate, bound for Rwanda don’t want to be late.
The rest of the team eating brekkie in their wake,
about to drive to the YSU block down on the lake.
But not before hearing Luke give his testimony and story,
a powerful ministry to God be the glory.
On the bus we went driving through the fishing village,
the sight of Lake Victoria a beautiful image.
Luke guided us around sharing vision for the future,
we prayed over the block its ground plans were super.
After touring the block we were keen to get going,
YSU’s participants  with excitement were glowing.
With open arms we were welcomed to the workshop,
an exciting youth ministry working as a co-op.
Bonding together in the name of Jesus Christ,
with dance performances and singing our arvo was truly spiced. 
After saying goodbye we walked back to Suubi for lunch,
salad rolls and passionfruit, we were a full and happy bunch.
After our fill we headed back to the Village of Hope,
But with a long list of jobs we were unsure we would cope.
Painters soldiered on finishing houses one to six,
admin building tomorrow they’ll attack it with paint sticks.
Lads in the farm below doing what they do best,
digging a hole for the septic tank eight feet we began to guess.
Others laying bricks getting the kitchen on a roll,
with a dining area, toilet and washroom completion is the goal.
But after feeling the sting of the afternoon sun,
the team headed back to Suubi – the showers and sodas begun.
After having vegies, rice and yams for dinner,
everyone sat fat and tired feeling like a winner.

- Limerick by Jeremy!!

The view of the chicken coop at YSU
Luke sharing the vision for the block
Listening to the tailoring girls share their story
Watching the YSU 'dancers'

Rapping like pros...

Dance/drama mix...