Thursday, January 7, 2016

Team 20 Day 7

Wednesday 6th January 2016

Today began with Juliette’s delicious pancakes, mandazi and juiciest pineapple I’ve ever tasted, a very thought provoking devotion delivered by Cathy and great conversation all round.

The team then made their way into Jinja by bus, weaving through boda’s, trucks, passing all the make-shift shops and people selling their wares on the road-side. Ranging from scrap-metal, manequin’s displaying clothing too and who would have guessed it-coffins in a field.

We then reached our destination at ‘Welcome Home’. This is an orphanage for children aged from birth to six years of age. Many dying and destitute children have been nursed and restored back to health and to loving homes. The team spent a few hours interacting with the children, playing ball games, talking, holding hands, reading and simply pushing them on a swing. These children simply want to be loved. For us this was such an enjoyable and rewarding experience….it breaks your heart to leave the orphanage.

After leaving the orphanage a group of us took a short stroll to the main street of Jinja. Most of the team then spent the afternoon either souvenir shopping and taking in the sights and streets of Jina, or just relaxing in a café.

Some of the team made their way to a local restaurant called ‘The Keep’, a gaelic themed eatery. They serve the best cheese burgers in town. The milkshakes are great too! The service was fantastic as well.

The thing that strikes me most is the politeness of the locals. As we pass each Ugandan in the street there was an endless string of “hello’s” and “how are you?” It makes me feel so welcome and at ease in this beautiful country. It’s amazing how much we can learn from these peaceful people.

- Louise..
The Gate.

How cute.... (the little kid is ok too) :)

We're sneaking them back to Ireland!!! 

Discovering a white face..

No, maybe this one..??

Love my bed - so many colours

Love MY bed - sleepy!

Swing time!

Our favourite time of day!!


Got a hug for me???

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