Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Inaugural Uganda HopeBuilders International board meeting

The first meeting of our "Uganda HopeBuilders International" board.
Praise God for these people who so willingly give their time to serve the Orphans and widows of Uganda!!!


Glenn said...

This is great to see. the next phase of Uganda Hopebuilders International - May God lead and guide each one of you as you work together.

Johann said...

Awesome to see this team come together - from a list of names 6 months ago to the first meeting This Is Africa but God is at work... I pray that they will be unified and led by the Spirit of God.. I am looking forward to HisStory continue to develop under their leadership.

Robert said...

Awesome to see that wonderful new guys on the board more especially pastor and Moreen k,so glad to see that happening.may God help these guys to work and move further plan of village.