Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Sunday is always a great day at the Village. We began the day with a worship service at Abundant Life with some great praise, a fantastic skit from the youth and a challenging message. It is always a joy to worship with such vibrant people. Sunday afternoon involved a lazy afternoon walk around Wairaka visiting Hope Community High School and the brand new Jinja Christian School. It is so good to see these education projects continuing to have an impact on breaking the cycle of poverty in this area.

Sunday evening involved an epic socccer match on the VOH pitch - which did result in the shedding of blood from a few of The Subbi boys. Unfortunately Subbi House went down 4-5 the the Village of Hope Boys.

After the game the team headed off for dinner at different houses where the size of the serves tested even the heartiest of appetites, appernetly there was some sharing of food with the children sitting next to us.

We finished of our evening with a great time of devotions  - awsome singing and prayer  and the puppets made an appearance also with some talented acting to boot as David and Goliath was reinacted with stunning accuracy.

1 comment:

Johann said...

Thanks so much for these great posts and updates, it is a joy to read them. I am so glad that the VOH boys managed a win - I know young Mfabi Sam would be happy - he does not take not winning very well :)