Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Work Continues

Since the departure of the wonderful team last week, work has continued on. The bricks above the ring beam on the house have been completed so it is now ready for roofing. A great job to have this done so quickly.

In the meantime, the foundations for the next house are well on the way. I discovered why this work is always done by the locals, not the teams - its seriously hard work! The rocks that go into the bottom of the foundations are not called "Hard Core" for no reason.

The children have coped well with the departure of the team. There was a little sadness for a while, but there is enough in their lives for them to move on quickly. They have a lot of fun playing with each other and are very creative in their games. Most afternoons a young man, Emmanuel, comes in and teaches them some singing and dancing. One of the exercises he was using was "Doe Ray Me.." This was being heard all around the village, then for their Friday movie treat, they had the chance to watch "The Sound of Music" which caused much excitement. Now they are adding "So long, farewell . . . " to their repertoire.

Rex and Robert celebrating the commissioning of the new bus as the last team members were about to leave.

The children saying farewell to the team

Paul in the doorway of the newly built house

Nick and David do the "hard core" work of building the foundations of the next house

Charles sets the levels for the slab

27 children pack into the TV room for The Sound of Music

1 comment:

Johann said...

27 Children!!! Where are they all from?