Tuesday, November 17, 2009

life at the village

A big thanks to everyone that contributed to the children’s school fees, as you may well know, we had to put them on intensive coaching since September, and some of them were so bright that we expect them to excel and go to another grade. The children will be having their holidays soon. We have many activities in store for this holiday.
As you note next year is knocking, so we would like you to get on board and help support a house, by doing so you are changing a whole destiny of the child who knew poverty and deprivation. A dollar here can buy breakfast for over 8 kids, what I mean every penny means a lot here.

Taking a stroll into the village of hope will give you a feeling of hope. There’s a lot of activities going on,right from vegetable growing, crop growing and kids playing all around. These children grow everyday, its encouraging to see them grow in stature, wisdom and favor with God and man.
The boys take turns looking after the goat, it fascinates them a lot. While the girls prefer taking care of the chickens. At the village, we teach our children to be helpful to the mothers so they do the simple work like washing dishes after meals as the mothers do the cooking, we want the children to have the village at heart not just a place for raising kids.
At the moment, weve taken advantage of the abundant rain to grow lots of cassava and potatoes to feed the kids and maybe sell some, we expect them to be ready in four months time.

Finally the long awaited container is in our town still in the yard for clearance before we can have it on the site. A big thanks to all who gave, you know it’s more blessed to give than to receive. We greatly appreciate what you did and we shall cherish every gift you sent. The kids cant wait to have the container, they’ve been praying for its arrival, they have no idea what size it is, but they keep praying(they think it’s a special small tin- that’s the funny bit of it
On Sunday we are yet to receive the team led by pastor glen, we shall be glad to receive them, the last time pastor glen was here, it was a bushy place, behold he’s coming back to a place with life, activities going on. They will be with us while constructing the administration block, which will house the offices.

Prayer request
1. Pray for the team from Australia who will be with us, which the lord shall protect them and give them divine health through out their journey.
2. Pray for Johann, Rob, Glenn Andrew and their families that the lord shall continually bless them with more wisdom as they direct this project.
3. Pray that the kids we raise shall be a source of joy and a blessing as they grow.
4. Pray that the lord shall prepare the mothers who are yet to join the village of hope.
5. Finally lets thank God for all people who have contributed to all things in the container that the big lord should bless them mightily.

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