Friday, June 19, 2009

the village of hope

this is the new look of the houses, next week the ladies will work on painting the intnernal walls of the houses. what is unique abotu the paint is that we are using wall paper glue mixed with chalk and water.
The good thing with this paint is
-the paint is free from solvents
-improves with age.
-cost effective
-electrostatically neutral
-the brushes/rollers can be cleaned
-all ingredients like chalk are readilly available.
This produces a very good coat,its envirromentally friendly and its aklso one of the ways the widows wuill earn an extra income since they will be painting.


Johann said...

Ivan - thanks so much for your continued updates - the houses are looking great and I thank God everyday for you and Robert and for your partnership with Hopebuilders in this mission. We trust that in God's timing all of our plans will take place and we keep trusting that the bnest is yet to come! BLESSINGS Johann

Glenn said...

Great to see the next step. Ivan, you and Robert are in my prayers very often. May God continue to work through you.

May God continue to give you strength and wisdom

ivan said...

thanks for your encouragement, it gives us the will and zeal to go on!!