Thursday, September 26, 2024

Day 7 - Home of Hope and the Source of the Nile

 Today, we jumped on the bus for the drive the Home of Hope. Many of us were apprehensive about what we were about to face, and the drive was quieter than normal. We got off the bus, and the gates opened, we were celebrated with great songs, dancing, and joy. You could not help but join the dance and happiness as we were brought into the courtyard of this inspiring place. Once the music and dance died down, Edith welcomed us as a team. Then she told us her story of her son developing a severe disability soon after birth, her and her husband lost family and friends as they turned away from them believing it was due to curse brought upon them. She spent a long time looking for help through witchcraft doctors with no help, and then an older couple prayed for her and guided her to a simple faith. She started looking after a few other disabled kids, but she gave up after 2 years, but God did not give up on her. She now looks after over 90 children with in this home helped by many staff.  I was inspired when she was introducing all the kids. She knew every name and condition, and the children, while they were very severe in disability, were loved and cared for in such a beautiful way. I then stayed in a room and spent time with some kids, and staff. One young boy was nonverbal, but when you don't have a common language, words are unnecessary.  He loved to touch and play with my watch. He was very surprised by my wobbly arms.

Of course I soon made my way to the art room, many of the older kids were making bracelets, one girl Teddy was showing me how to weave, I did not need to know the language to know when she was saying I got it wrong, but she was patient and very impressed and joyful when I got it right. I said she was a great teacher.

Some of the team went into see the amazing hospital facilities that could be used by the community as well.

After an emotional morning, we headed into town for lunch and shopping. 

Then, off to the Source of the Nile boat ride. As we pulled up, the rain came down. We were all so happy to not be hot anymore. The life jackets actually kept us warm. 🤣. It was a nice boat ride with the rain coming in sidewards,  one team saw otters. 

We returned home to no power again as a huge storm had come through while we were out. Could be a quiet few days ahead, but we have solar lights and gas cooking.

Praise God for so many experiences were are having  and the resilience of the team. This is Africa (TIA) and we are loving it.

- Lara W

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