Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Day 6 - YSU Court and Harvest Community School (formerly Jinja Christian School)

Wow another beautiful day in Uganda! Starting with a delicious breakfast of pancakes, banana pancakes and pineapple! 

The morning was spent at YSU helping with the continued laying of the volleyball court!  

Fun and hard work!  The Ugandans worked very hard in the heat and under the pressure of getting the job done in a day. Some of our team were on sand duties, others on stones, while others moved wheelbarrows full of concrete. Our team worked tirelessly and we have the blisters and sore backs to prove it! At midday, the UG30 team tapped out to allow other workers to come in and finish the job. Robert had literally gone to the streets to get workers to come and help. 

I was working with Allen, the youth worker for YSU on the stones and I kept saying to him ‘remember it’s for the volleyball, remember it’s for the volleyball’. This court that is being made is going to be a game changer for YSU ministry. This is going to allow all sorts of things to happen through the Holy Spirit's working to transform lives through volleyball. 

At "smoko", Lara offered  some soft lollies, and it was interesting to see the workers reaction…they had never seen the “snake” lollies!! Things we have all the time.  Needless to say, he took a handful for his children!! 

Back to Suubi for a much needed lunch of salad rolls and sodas!

We visited Harvest Primary School - Wairaka (was Jinja Christian School) in the afternoon.  It was an interesting experience to see the students at this school.  Their day starts at 8:00am - 4:30pm!  Long days compared to our children!  Morning tea and lunch are provided for the students, and they love being at school! They sang and danced for us, and some of our team played a game of soccer and netball with them.  We bid them farewell and headed back to Suubi house! 

After a delicious dinner, we headed to the Village of Hope to share in their children’s devotion time, which is led each week by Pastor George.

What an experience we had!  The VOH praise and worship team led led us in a beautiful time of singing, dancing and praising the Lord with just voices and African drums.  Seeing the way the children praise the Lord so openly with their whole hearts and voices was incredible.  Johann gave a word of encouragement from Revelation - I’m making everything new! God is making everything new! Then Pastor Andy spoke on Ephesians 4 - challenging us to be patient with one another and to love each other; and the the Encouragement that we are all one in Christ - even though we live in Australia, and the children are here in Uganda - we are all one in Christ Jesus!  Hallelujah!! 

Roy and Tamie

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