Today we write the
last blog for team 20.
Andrew leaves
tomorrow and we leave a day later, so this will be the last of the
Today started at
3am for some as they sat out in the living room listening to the thunder and
the pounding rain. Most of the rest of
us heard it, but stayed in our beds.
Later morning saw the roads a bit wet but having been dry for so long,
all the water had pretty much been soaked up or run off.
Breakfast was
wisely held indoors, with some lovely pancakes and Mandazis. Our bellies full we waited for the bus to take
us to Home of Hope. We had a plan for half of us to work on a new drain so that
water wouldn’t gather at the back of the home, while the rest spent time with
the kids.
Some muscles were
employed to dig and plenty of sweat flowed, but the drain was dug out and
concreting, ricking and fitting grates could begin. By lunch tome we had done
most of the work, so we were given a lunch of rice, beans and chapatti, after
which we left the HopeBuilders builders to finish the task (after eating a HUGE
We had another
important task to complete. We headed
off in the bus to Bujagali falls (a spot on the Nile river), to witness and
celebrate the baptism of one of our team. Ashlea decided to be baptized and we
were only too happy to oblige!! J
After sharing a
testimony and hearing messages from her grandparents and mum, Damain, Ashlea
and Andrew got into the Nile, and Ashlea went under. As she got out, we
gathered around her as a team and prayed prayers of thanks for her.
He rest of the
afternoon was spent either up at Village of Hope, or doing craft with the local
kids in Suubi.
A great meal of
fried chicken and chips ended out our day.
From here we have
a few tasks left: An afternoon in town to collect our last minute souvenirs,
our paintings and probably get a milkshake or two.
Then we have a
raging farewell planned at Village of Hope roasting a pig and a goat to
celebrate. The VoH kids have been
practicing all week for a performance that they have planned for us, and it
sounds great!!!
Then it’s a super
early start on Sunday for the airport to Kenya. Time to hunt out the local
It’s been a great
time and we have achieved much, as well as learned a lot.
We appreciate your
prayers, and support and look forward to telling many of you in our own words
all we’ve experienced!!
- Andrew
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Home of Hope kids are so cute! |
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The digging begins.. |
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Brick passing Uganda style |
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Ready to mix cement - by hand! |
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Digging our second trench |
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Good looking results |
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Straight as a.... well straight anyway! |
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Damian sharing about baptism |
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And under she goes!!! |
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Praying as a team - with local onlookers! |
في شركة شركة عزل فوم بالدمام نعمل قدر الامكان علي حل المشكلة واعطاء العميل فكرة كاملة عن الوضع وكذلك التكاليف المفترض دفعها مع العمل علي اصلاح وصيانة مكان التسرب فقط وليس البدء من الصفر داخل الحمامات او المطابخ كما نقدم في شركة شركة عزل فوم بالقصيم كافة خدمات الصيانة بعد الكشف ويشمل ذلك ( تكسير – اصلاح – ترميم ) كل ذلك بخدمات مميزة وفنيين علي كفائة عالية جدا ومعدات حديثة تضمن صحة النتائج لذلك تعد ركن نجد افضل شركة تسليك مجارى بالرياض
للمزيد يمكن زيارة
شركات تسليك المجارى بغرفة التفتيش والتي غالبا ما تحدث فيها الكتمة عن طريق سقوط مخلفات صلبة فيها او بقايا اعمال التشطيبات المترسبة فيها وهو ما يتم عن طريق سوستة الضغط او عن طريق غطاس ضغط المياه.
تسليك بالوعة الحمام
شركة تسليك مجارى بالخبر
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالخبر
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة
شركة ركن الامثل لتسليك المجارى ومكافحة الحشرات بالقطيف 0502644550 نقدم افضل الحلول المثالية والشاملة في تقديم
الخدمات المنزلية من تنظيف للمنازل والشقق والفلل ومكافحة النمل الابيض وكشف تسربات المياه بالقطيف
شركة تسليك مجارى بالقطيف
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالقطيف
شركة المثالية لمكافحة الحشرات بالقطيف
شركة المثالية لمكافحة النمل الابيض بالقطيف
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