Ive had sometime with the Jeremies and Luke(luke(fondly called "jesus" because of his close resemblance with jesus is here to make a documentary showing what HopeBuilders is doing in Uganda and Rwanda! He is here till january)
Here they share with us some important aspects of their experience here, what they look forward to during their stay! We encourage you to pray for them and encourage them!!!
they have been a blessing to the village already!
How has this trip impacted you?
Luke - I've realised that one person really can make a big difference. I've also grown in my appreciation for what I've been born into, the opportunities I've been given and I won't take things for granted when I get back home.
Jeremy - It has given me a good insight into what the majority of people in Uganda possess and also what they view as important or essential in their lives. So far we have visited many peoples' homes, in one instance a man we visited owned only a Bible, a mattress and a few clothes. I've also been impacted on a spiritual level - Uganda is such a spiritual country and it seems a lot more noticable because there are many things that are stripped back, the lives of people are not clouded by the distractions we have in the Western world.
Sarah - It's challenged my faith. Challenged what I think is important. There is so much to be learnt from these beautiful people - their faith and trust in God is genuine. Their dependance upon Him as their Provider is genuine. Their humility and servant hearts continually blow me away and put many of my selfish efforts to shame.
What do you hope to accomplish during your stay?
Luke - To grow as a person and to do what I was called here to do - to get everything I need on film to make the documentary.
Jeremy - To see the 3rd and 4th houses finished and children living in them. To have the farm up and running and a full-time farmer employed. To develop a close and long lasting relationship with the mothers and children. To develop policies which will ensure structure and smooth running for the Village. To see a real improvement with the kids at school as a result of the extra tutoring we've been doing.
Sarah - The same as Jeremy and also to be a part of seeing the children grow - spiritually, behaviourally, in their studies and speaking english.
What vision do you have for the Village of Hope?
Luke, Jeremy & Sarah - To see the Village of Hope continuing to play a part in breaking the cycle of poverty for children, mothers, fathers and the wider community. To see the Village become self sustainable through micro-enterprises, with all the houses built and full of happy healthy children. We also hope that it won't stop with this village but will spread to other places and even other countries.
Any messages for people at home - words of encouragement
For people who have felt a call to come here to Africa, take a leap of faith, and come. It's easy to make excuses and think of reasons why you shouldn't come but you only live once on this earth and if God has called you He will provide for you.
Prayer requests
-Please pray for protection over the Village of Hope
-Please pray for the children as they begin another term of school on Monday
-Please pray for our continued safety and good .
Great testimonies guys! It's so good to see what God can do with a willing heart, and it's great to see what He has already done at VoH! We pray for you guys regularly.
We are blessed to have the three of you there. Please be assured of our prayers each day. We love your testimonies and stories... Johann
So proud of the three of you! Keep up the wonderful work.
Fantastic to see the picis and hear the stories of the ongoing work of God in and throught he Village of Hope. You are in our prayers
Great to hear from you and that things are going well. Praying that you continue to be blessed in your work there!
Rob & Lynette
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