Hello to all our friends and happy Easter Celebrations. At Village of Hope ,most of the children are through with Term 1 studies with exception of those in candidate classes. Easter found the children free and they have enjoyed it to the last minute.
The holidays started with the boys visiting our sister organisation (Home of Hope) a home for children with multiple disabilities. They were all amazed with the way the children were living happily, smiling to them and singing those who could, showing them that diasbility is not inability. Our boys helped in washing clothes, riding children around in wheel chairs, and construction work. All the boys were somuch touched and thanked God who created them able. Next time it will be girls' turn.
At the Village, the children are enjoying their holidays, big ones helping the mothers in different activities like cooking ,chopping firewood, and doing laundry.
Yesterday was Easter sunday ,and it ended up a joyous one with lots of eats and drinks like chappati, rice, matooke, irish, chicken ,meat fruits sodas and an evening of Ice cream while watching a movie (FROZEN). Its really a day to remember.
NB:The chicken eaten on Easter are raised by the Village of Hope Poultry project and the children were so happy to take part in getting them out of the chicken house and sluaghtering.
We continue to thank Hope Builders for all the support. May God Bless you ALL.