the lord has been so good to us here,thanks for your prayers for divine protection, days ago a thief was caught red handed stealing an angle bar for the fence,he is now behind bars, this is a sign that the lord has been so faithfull to his servants (you)who faithfully lifted this need to God!
the fact that alot of poverty sorrounds this community which leads to a prevalence of thieves should not discourage us but should be a reason to thank God for his protection and draw us to our knees.
keep the fire burning!
more prayer points
pray that the process of regestering the kids we shall be looking after goes smoothly without complications of bribes and so on. that the lord shall favor us at all stages!
pray that like the former teams which have been here that the coming team will also touch the local community in many ways.
pray for our nation too that it will completely be free from child sacrifice and other evils that are plaguing it.
pray for dive provision for the people who would like to be part of the team coming to uganda,that the lord shall provide for their needs so that they are a blessing to us.